Steam iron Hommer

Steam iron with anti-drip and anti-calc, power of 2000 watts

Product ID: 011.003.039

Steam iron that prevents drip and calcification

Products: 167
Followers: 17
Date created: 02/08/2024
Product sold: 1
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Products: 167
Followers: 17
Date created: 02/08/2024
Product sold: 1

Steam iron Hommer

General settings

230 volts, 50 Hz, max. 2000 watts.



Anti-drip and anti-calc.

Equipped with anti-drip and anti-calcification features, thus ensuring safety of use and high quality.



Temperature control

The temperature of the iron can be controlled to suit fabrics of all types



Multiple ways to iron

This iron provides the possibility of steam ironing and dry ironing with the function of using the spray, and therefore it is suitable for all types of fabrics and can remove wrinkles better and faster.



Transparent water tank

Transparent tank through which the water level can be easily checked.



Dry ironing feature

With this feature, the iron can iron any type of fabric, especially those that do not need steam, such as silk



Safe to use

This iron is equipped with an overheating protection feature.



Steam control

The ability to control the flow of steam to remove stubborn wrinkles easily.



Light indicator

Equipped with a light indicator when operating



Separate inlet for filling the water tank.

Equipped with a separate hole for filling the water tank.



Self-cleaning feature

Equipped with a self-cleaning feature so that the base can be cleaned easily in simple steps.

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